The origin of the name Leading Ladies
The name Leading Ladies was chosen, because women are the only species who can lead and follow at the same time. For example Deborah was a leader, a prophetess, a ruler etc., but also a mother and a married woman. When the man is away she takes her position, but as soon as the head of the home comes she submits and follows.
Vision: Our vision is to bring out the best in womanhood. We Lead and let others follow
As women we should make sure that we are walking and talking Christ-like so others will desire to be like us and follow our nature which reflects the nature of God.
This vision will be accomplished through:
Fellowship, Prayer,Counselling and Specialized counselling, Seminars, Conferences & Visitations
Mission statement: Setting a standard for those who follow.
Premier Lady
Rev. Sandra Owusu Ansah
The women’s meetings are as follows:
Praise Valley Temple Flevoland – 2nd Saturday of the month from 11am-1pm.
Revival Impact Center – 2nd Saturday of the month 12pm-2pm.
Praise Valley Temple Amsterdam West – Last Sunday of the month 3pm-4pm
Praise Valley Temple Head Quarters – 3rd Saturday of the month 2pm-4pm.
Praise Valley Temple Zaanstad - 3rd Friday of the month 8pm-10pm.