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Bishop O.A Bernard (Owusu Ansah, Bernard) Is An Apostle with a strong prophetic insight. He got saved, raised, commisioned and ordained by Reverend Andrew Asare. Bishop Bernard is the presiding Bishop of OABM worldwide. He also presides over the Berachah ministerial fellowship, a fraternity of ministers across the globe. He is a well sought after conference speaker who travels the globe, with his revelation, practical and simple messages that has brought change and salvation to countless number of people. He does social programmes with several governments and non-governmental instituitions. He preaches and demonstrates without a doubt Jesus Christ and His word as the only answer for the world today. He presents a balanced and total gospel to the total man. The Bishop is married to Sandra and they are blessed with two children. A son and a daughter.


O.A.B.M was started as a Para-church organization to releave the Praise Valley Temple and associate churches of it's Para-church activities. Bishop Bernard believes in A Total Jesus Vision.

The vision of OABM Worldwide is that the Gospel we preach will bring salvation, (hope), will bring deliverance to the body, soul and spirit. We believe and we are trusting God to reach out to every city, in every nation that we find ourselves in. We believe in raising Christian leaders and Christian followers that will do so with all of their hearts.
We believe in affecting people of all works of life. From the lowest to the highest as it is determined by society. We believe in loving the unlovable. Keeping the un-keep able and reaching the unreachable. That is OABM Worldwide.


Our mission statement

The Total Gospel to the Total men. We believe in preaching the Gospel of Jesus in it’s entity. So preaching Socially, Psychologically, Spiritually, Medically, every aspect of the Gospel must be represented in our messages and we believe in reaching out to the Body the Soul and the Spirit of men.

OABM Ministers of the Gospel
Lets Talk About Ministry
Bishop OA Bernard & Premier Lady
Glory to God
Wave your hands if you love Jesus
Bishop OA Bernard & Minister Ernest
Gala Night


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